Montana Bill HB 371
An Act prohibiting the administration of gene-based vaccines into humans in the State of Montana, providing a definition and providing penalty.
February 5, 2025
Madame Chair and Members of the Committee
Thank you for this opportunity to submit my testimony in favor of HB371.
My name is Dr. Katarina Lindley. I am a board-certified family medicine physician practicing in Texas. I am the President of the Global Health Project and the Director of the International Fellowship Program for the Independent Medical Alliance.
The COVID-19 pandemic and our government’s response to it have been a complete failure, from the mandates, masks, lockdowns, and finally, the introduction of the mRNA gene therapy. Many practicing physicians, like myself, recognize that the new mRNA product is not a vaccine, as they would like us to call it, but instead, a gene therapy that is causing significant damage to US citizens and, as such, should be recalled.
By definition, gene therapy involves altering the genetic material of cells to prevent or treat diseases. It consists of delivering DNA that can integrate into the genome of the host cell, leading to permanent changes in the genetic makeup of the cell organism. Scientists have raised the possibility, based on their research, that the COVID-19 mRNA products DO integrate into the genome because of findings of DNA contamination via plasmid DNA and SV40 Enhancer.
mRNA Covid-19 “vaccines” work by introducing messenger RNA into the body’s cells. This mRNA instructs the cells to produce a specific spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which then triggers an immune response.
We were told it is safe. We were told it will stay in the deltoid muscle. We were told it will the production time of the spike protein will be short. All of that was false.
The mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” use lipid nanoparticles to deliver the messenger RNA to the site of injection, but the problem is that the LNP travels everywhere, including the brain, ovaries, testicles, spleen, breast milk, etc.
We were also told that the COVID-19 mRNA products reduce transmission, but as we all have seen, it started at 100% and ended at a very low, if any, reduction.
In the meantime, what are the practicing physicians like me seeing? We are seeing many patients who have been injured by this product. VAERS data for covid 19 mRNA product shows 37,544 deaths. European Union’s EudraVigilance system reported a total of 50,648 deaths. We have hundreds of thousands if not millions of patients with dicerent levels of injuries due to mRNA COVID-19 products,
Our regulatory agencies, including the CDC, NIH, FDA have failed the American people, I urge you not to do the same. COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines” are dangerous and must be immediately recalled. Thousands of peer-reviewed studies have shown serious adverse events that include myocarditis, blood clots, autoimmune disorders, severe immunosuppression, and neurodegenerative disorders like dementia, Parkinson’s, and prion disease. We have seen an increase in cancers from primaries to aggressive reactivations of cancers that were considered cured. We have seen miscarriages and abnormal vaginal bleeding in females who have received this product. There is a significant increase in all-cause mortality across the world that correlates with the role of this genetic product.
It is my professional opinion that the mRNA “vaccines” must be banned. Thank you again for this opportunity to submit my testimony.
Katarina Lindley, D.O. FSACOFP
Dr Kat Lindley. Your testimony solid facts point by point. I was so glad to read your submission. I listened to the Montana session but missed part of the proponents but heard the testimony of the opponents. I was astounded at the lack of facts the in opponents to the bill from the healthcare professionals. Particularly when one legislator asked if the Pzifer was still EUA. The opposing person said it was approved. Then the proponent of the bill read from Pfizer document COVID 19 is still EUA. I was doing a cheer at my house to hear her read all that from the fact she. I could not hear the name but I thought you might have been the speaker on the EUA!! Thank you for being God’s warrior in this journey to heal our brethren. God bless!!! I keep the health care frontline in my daily prayers !!!!!
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