WEF's GFC is a network of handpicked (special invitation only) 600 individuals from around the world "the most relevant and knowledgeable thought leaders from academia, government, international organizations, business, and civil society, grouped in expertise-based thematic councils". Members are nominated for 2 years.
GFC serve as a brain trust for leaders and governments, business, and civil societies. According to the WEF website "Global Future Councils is the world’s foremost multistakeholder and interdisciplinary knowledge network dedicated to promoting innovative thinking to shape a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable future." GFC mission is to help identify and disseminate transformative ideas with the potential for global impact through providing strategic insights, scientific evidence, forward guidance, and multidisciplinary understanding. (from WEF website)
What are some of the subjects they are involved in:
Autonomous mobility
Care Economy
Fresh Air
Data Equity
Food and Water
Geopolitics Growth
Net Zero Transition
Job Creation
Philanthropy for Climate and Nature
Nature and Security
Space Synthetic
Human Rights
SDG Investment ...
Tomorrow, October 16-18, 2023 is the start of the annual meeting of the Global Future Councils 2023 in Dubai. On the agenda are global security, AI, water security, energy transition, care economy etc.
I highly recommend signing up for behind-the-firewall access on the WEF website for more info.